
Disom - The Leadership School Foundation visited the Capacity Building Commission.Dr. R Balasubramaniam spoke to them about Youth leadership and what they can do for the nation.

Capacity Building Commission team visited the National Academy of Direct Taxes, a designated Central Training Institute for training of India Revenue Services.

Capacity Building Commission members met the Secretary of the Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways Shri Sanjeev Ranjan to discuss the recommendations of implementing the Annual Capacity Building Plan.

R Balasubramaniam had a discussion with Ministry of Woman and Child Development, minister Smt.

Capacity Building Commission members met the Minister of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Shri Shandilya Giriraj Singh, MoS Smt.

The MSDE-ISB Capacity Building Programme concluded at the ISB Mohali campus last week.

Villages in the CholaAdministration were known as Urs. Village administration was entrusted to the Gramsabha (village assembly) which was the lowest unit of Chola Administration.

Capacity Building Commission gave a status update to Hon.

We were excited to host and have an insightful meeting with Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health's Design Laboratory (D-Lab) team!