


Capacity Building Commission's Member (HR) R Balasubramaniam visited the Chandigarh Police's Recruit Training Centre for the "Karmayogi Police - Custodians of Society" Large Scale Intervention.


Capacity Building Commission welcomed two Assistant Secretaries (IAS) of 2020 batch posted in Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT, dopt.gov.in).CBC team and the young officers had detailed discussions on various aspects of the capacity bu


Union Home Secretary Shri Ajay Bhalla launched Mission Karmayogi in Delhi Police Department by training over 37,000 policemen who provide security and safety to Delhi’s citizens.


Capacity Building Commission held exploratory conversations with Nanyang Technological University Singapore for capacity building of science and technology departments.


Capacity Building Commission's Member (HR) R Balasubramaniam held an Annual Capacity Building Plan (ACBP) Orientation Workshop for the Department of Higher Education (www.education.gov.in), in the presence of Secretary Sh. K Sanjay Murthy.


Capacity Building Commission's Secretary Hemang Jani delivered the valedictory address for Executive Development Programme for Assistant Director Generals and Directors/Joint Directors operating at various institutes of ICAR-National Academy of Agricultural Research


Capacity Building Commission held a meeting with the Ministry of Jal Shakti, the National Water Academy (NWA Pune, nwapune.gov.in), North-Eastern Regional Institute of Water and Land Management (NERIWALM Tezpur, neriwalm.gov.in) and Rajiv Gandhi


Capacity Building Commission hosted Temasek Foundation and had enriching discussions about the importance of having regional dialogues and the significance of ownership at a local level for public sector transformations.


Capacity Building Commission's Secretary Hemang Jani spoke at the India Stack Knowledge Exchange (ISKE) "Technology Stack for Skilling" session about transforming the civil service training landscape by leveraging iGOT (Integrated Government Onl