Capacity Building CommissionOffice Address: Capacity Building Commission, 20th, 21st & 22nd Floor, Jawahar Vyapar Bhavan, Tolstoy Road, New Delhi - 110001Adil ZainulbhaiChairman +91 11 23701106 chairperson-cbc[at]gov[dot]inDr. Alka MittalMember (Admin) +91 11 23701109 memberadmn[dot]cbc-dopt[at]gov[dot]inDr. R. BalasubramaniamMember (HR) +91 11 23701108 dr[dot]rbalu[at]gov[dot]inShyama Prasad RoySecretary +91 11 23701107, +91 11 23701047 shyama[dot]roy[at]nic[dot]inAnkita SinghDeputy Secretary +91 11 23701187 ankita[dot]167090[dot]cbdt[at]nic[dot]inRaj KishoreUnder Secretary +91 11 23701134, +91 11 23701212 raj[dot]kishore[at]nic[dot]inNagulkhosatUnder Secretary +91 11 23701213 n[dot]sata[at]nic[dot]inUday Shankar MehtaSection Officer +91 11 23701126 udayshankar[dot]m[at]nic[dot]inAshutoshPPS to Chairman +91 11 23701046 ashutosh[dot]myas[at]nic[dot]inMs. Paramjeet DhandaPPS to Member (Admin) +91 11 23701109 memberadmn[dot]cbc-dopt[at]gov[dot]inMs. Harjinder Kaur MannPPS to Member (HR) +91 11 23701108 memberhr-cbc[at]gov[dot]inArun Kumar GuptaPPS to Secretary +91 11 23701107, +91 11 23701047 arun[dot]kg13[at]nic[dot]in