Working Conditions

  • Maintenance and repairs of existing buildings
  • Modern ones should replace existing furniture
  • Heating and cooling arrangements
  • Lightning arrangements
  • Well lit corridors
  • Each ministry should have its library
  • Toilet facilities should be there.
  • Dispensaries with adequate staff should be present.
  • Recreation room
  • Postal and banking staff

Residential Accommodation

  • Hostel for single bed
  • Basic amenities in Central Government colonies in Delhi
  • Suitable transit accommodation
  • Encourage cooperative house buildings

Educational facilities

  • Growth of schools with common syllabus and medium of instruction
  • Reservation of seats
  • New colleges should be reopened in the neighbourhood of government colonies

Medical facilities

  • In Delhi, the Contributory health service scheme should be improved by providing dispensaries where none exist.
  • Increase the number of authorized medical government attendants and give same facilities to the central government employees and their families
  • Artificial limbs, hearing aids, etc should be given free.


In all buildings where a considerable number of people work, canteen facilities should be adequate

  • The Canteen should be run departmentally and should be given financial assistance by the government
  • Government should provide free accommodation, subsidized wages, equipment and furniture for canteen employees
  • Proper machinery for periodical cost accounting and frequent inspection.

Promotion of Cooperatives

  • Consumer cooperative society with branches at convenient points
  • Should be given financial aid, and government should subscribe to as much as 50 % of the share capital
  • May be granted a subsidy to meet their establishment charges at a graduated scale.
  • Free accommodation and equipment should be provided to the consumer cooperatives.

State Benevolent Fund

  • Government should contribute to the fund every year
  • An insurance scheme like that of life insurance may also be considered

Staff Clubs

  • In all places, one or more badminton courts may be provided
  • Each member of the staff should be made to interest himself in one sport or the other suited for his talent
  • Sufficient number of the playground and a swimming pool exclusively for secretariat staff

Holiday Homes

  • It should be set up in Shimla as most of the central government employees are stationed in Delhi
  • Excursion trips should be organized

Griha kalian kendras or Family Welfare Centers

  • A suitable building for accommodating the headquarters of the organization
  • Additional admin staff in Min of Home Affairs, which should form a part of the staff welfare organization should be provided

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