Features of the Act of 1892

The number of non official members in the   Central and provincial legislative councils were increased. The powers of the members of the legislative council were enhanced.the act introduced a limited and indirect provision of the use of election in filling up some of the non-official seats both in the Central and provincial legislative councils.

However the term election was not used.

  • It provided for a greater number of non-official members to be included in  Central and provincial legislative councils, but an official majority was maintained in them.
  • It delegated more functions to the legislative councils and gave them the power of discussing the budget and addressing questions to the executive.
  •  It provided for the nomination of some non-official members of the (a) Central Legislative Council by the viceroy on the recommendation of the provincial legislative councils and the Bengal Chamber of Commerce, and (b) that of the Provincial legislative councils by the Governors on the recommendation of the district boards, municipalities, universities, trade associations, zamindars and chambers.

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