• Three aspects of training was focussed here in this report
    • Professional training is intended to equip the officer with basic knowledge of international law, international relations, and diplomacy.
    • The recruited candidate must be prepared to represent India on an international stage abroad.
    • Preparation of officer for life and work environment in a foreign environment
  • The report also states the total duration of the training and the bias between practical ideas and academic training.
  • The Directorate of training will provide coordination and direction rather than engage itself in any simple kinds of training activity.
  • Attachment to the National Academy of Administration to provide for closer liaison.
  • The primary objective of district training is to give the IFS officer some practical and personal experience of rural India and its problems. In other services, no special effort is made in this direction because an IFS officer will spend most of his life in a foreign land and also because he will be representing his people abroad and not only the government.
  • Attachment to the school of International Studies(Sushma Swaraj Institute) becomes extremely important here.
  • Training also takes place within the Ministry of External Affairs, and it should have a practical orientation and should be conducted under the Directorate of Training.
  • Language training is given.
  • Also, the Committee recommended setting up an Institute of Foreign Languages in Delhi.
  • It will be helpful if the IFS probationers are attached to the Army Unit for a fortnight.
  • The first posting will be abroad and, after two years, should be brought back to the headquarters.
  • Wives going abroad should get some orientation.
  • It also talks about Pre post-training, mid-career, an d refresher training.

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