1. The Indian Institute of Public Administration was set up for training civil servants.
  2. The Department of Administrative Reforms was also established at both the Central and State levels.
  3. Review of National Training Policy 1996 and NTP 2012 with sweeping changes.
  4. The term ‘confidential report’ should be replaced by ‘performance record.’
  5. Performance record to include Annual account of work by civil servants.
  6. Introduction of a result Results-based approach in government through Results Framework Documents (RFD) initiative.
  7. Prime Minister’s Award for Excellence in Public Administration to reward civil servants’ outstanding and exemplary performance.
  8. Setting up the Central Vigilance Commission and the establishment of the Lokayuktas in the States.
  9. Formulation of the Model Code of Governance provides a State of Governance framework and toolkit. Other measures were strengthening citizens’ grievance redressal machinery and drawing up citizens’ charters. Creation of a separate Department of Personnel.
  10. The Commission submitted 20 reports before winding up in the mid-1970s.

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