• The problem of Indian railways has existed for a long time.
  • The Wedgewood Committee 1937 also discussed the problem in Indian Railways.
  • The Indian Railway Enquiry Committee,1947, appointed a general survey of the working of the railways. Though it did not specifically mention the question of bribery and corruption, it expressed the opinion that it existed and required tracking.

The Report discussed the following:

  1. Problem of Corruption in setting
  2. Booking of goods and parcels traffic
  3. Booking of passengers and luggage
  4. Catering and vending
  5. Engineering contracts: There should be a Board of Arbitrators consisting of three officials of appropriate level one each from the Engineering and Accounts branches and one from any other branch of the Railway, to decide the disputes arising out of engineering contracts
  6. A post of Claims Prevention Officer in the Senior Scale should be created on each Railway.
  7. General efficiency on Public Complaints
  8. Internal Working of the Railways
  9. Working of the Special Police Establishment and the Anti Corruption Organisation on the Railways
  10. Administrative measures
  11. Legal Measures

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