1. A more thorough study of Central Government expenditure by other agencies and task forces is necessary.
  2. Problem of the proliferation of staff should be considered inter departmentally.
  3. There should be an increase in the number of government employees.
  4. New posts should be sanctioned for the periods needed, say six months or one year or longer, as the case may be, and should automatically lapse if not renewed after a careful review.
  5. Detailed professional techno-economic studies of particular needs and services by expert groups for pending structural and organizational changes in personnel policies.
  6. Merging different services based on shared professional background and skills.
  7. There should be a reduction in recruitment to services every year.
  8. At clerical levels, the work should be less rigidly divided.
  9. Fewer posts at a lower level and more posts at higher levels would lead to more excellent economy and efficiency.
  10. Specialised departments should not get involved in the clearance of individual cases but should confine themselves to formulating policies and guidelines which can be taken into account by the Ministries concerned with personal projects.
  11. Governments' working methods need to be reviewed to minimize duplication , over-centralization, and excessively high-level clearances.

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