On Recruitment

It favoured testing the candidates in a common subject rather than on optional subjects. (not implemented)

The age for entrants to the higher civil services should be between 21- 24 years with a five years' age concession for members of the Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes and three years' for the Other Backward Classes. (not implemented)

The Committee touched upon the issue of qualification required and the age limit for the civil services examination. It had the following to say: “It is shown by research that there is a positive correlation between a higher level of education and performance in the Examination. Besides, considering the magnitude and importance of this examination, the graduate requirement seems to discourage the non-serious candidates who may apply in large numbers without any serious preparation and understanding for the purpose of trial and may ultimately clog the system. In view of this, it is essential to prescribe graduation as the minimum educational qualification as the candidates are expected to reach a certain level of maturity by that time. In this way, it will work as a filter. However, the Committee recommends that the candidates may continue to be permitted to take the Preliminary Examination while studying for their degree, as at present”.

At the Preliminary level, it suggested that the 'optional' subject should be continued, but the General Studies paper should be recast to that of a Civil Services Aptitude Test comprising questions on essential awareness,' 'problem-solving and analytical abilities' ( situation from the civil services arena to be taken to test reasoning and understanding of problems ) and 'data analysis ability.'

It suggests that the preliminary examination be made more objective and the main examination include papers on diverse subjects.

The report deals with eligibility parameters, the desired Characteristics of candidates in terms of knowledge, skill, and attitude, and the modalities of identifying the most suitable candidates. It makes a strong case for lowering the age limit for recruitment, arguing that the economic cost of taking examinations at a higher age affects poorer families. The committee has designed a scheme to identify younger candidates. (not implemented)

The reports state that many civil servants suffer from intellectual sluggishness, manifested in the flattening of their learning curves. According to the report, most civil servants have the attitude that they are repositories of the wisdom and knowledge needed to deal with matters that lie within their spheres of authority. This attitude, the report points out, has made them unreceptive to new ideas and impervious to innovations that are essential in a dynamic administration environment.

The report says that the recruitment and training of civil servants should be a long-term exercise. Future Civil servants, it says, should be exposed to field-oriented development activities to remain in touch with people at the grassroots. Civil servants should develop an ability to work closely with civil society.

The report emphasizes the need to recruit candidates who can champion reforms, facilitate the functioning of NGOs and cooperative groups and help the economy and society to operate within the national & global markets.

The report suggests that at the time of recruitment it has to be checked whether aspirants are aware of the direction in which the country is moving and the strengths and weaknesses of civil society.

They should also have an ability to interface with modern technology and institutions of local self-government and perform their duties with a sense of fair play, compassion & commitment to achieve the objectives set by the founding fathers

The report emphasizes the need to reorient the civil service in the context of the diminishing role of the state in providing direct economic services, the state’s growing importance in the economic and social sectors, the growing scarcity of non-renewable resources and the need to protect vulnerable groups of society. (not implemented)

The committee refers to some fundamental flaws in the mindsets of civil servants. A strongly worded chapter says that in popular perception, members of civil services have a ruler mindset, show no courteous and human behavior, are devoid of transparency in decision-making, and seem to be preoccupied with their survival & vested interest.

This mind set, according to the report , becomes apparent when they are called upon to take care of the needs of the weaker section of society , especially while implementing policies that can lead to clashes with the interests of influential persons in society.“ As a result, the objective of justice, fair play, development and welfare vis-à-vis the weaker sections tend to suffer by default” the report states.

A negative orientation, decline in professionalism, intellectual sluggishness and lack of ability to acquire new knowledge, undynamic outlook, and a complete lack of intellectual honesty are other weaknesses identified in the report. The report makes special mention of the decline in the levels of integrity among civil servants.

The report says there has been significant erosion of esprit de corps within the higher services. It underlines that while some members of civil services have maintained a firm commitment to a high standard of ethics and service to the nation, many others have breached the codes of professional conduct. Many have entered into unethical, symbolic pacts of convenience and mutual accommodation with influential politicians & business interests.

According to reports, posting and transfer have become a tool in the hands of political executives to force civil servants to comply with their diktats. Civil servants who show the flexibility to go along with the directions of their political masters are rewarded, and those who refuse to compromise their professional independence, honesty & integrity are sidelined and penalized, it says.

The Civil Services Examination Committee (Y. K. Alagh Committee) in its report submitted in 2001 observed, “………….. that recruitment, training and management of the civil services are interrelated components of the same system and one cannot succeed without the other. Any effort to rectify only one aspect to the exclusion of others will mean trying to cure the symptom rather than the disease.”

Implementation Status

The reply of the Ministry regarding the action taken so far implementation of the recommendations of the Alagh Committee is as follows:-

  • The salient points/recommendations of the Committee inter alia pertain to the eligibility parameters of candidates appearing for Civil Services, schemes of Preliminary and Main Examinations, Personality Test, allocation of Services and post-induction issues of training and management of services.
  • The Government has set up an Administrative Reforms Commission to prepare a detailed blueprint for revamping the public administration System. The Commission, while finalising its recommendations, shall take into account the recommendations made in the past by various Committees including the Alagh Committee.

The Committee takes a serious note that the reply is not by the Committee’s observation as contained in its 5th Report (page No. 43, para 3.41) that the appointment of the Second Administrative Reforms Commission should not come in the way of implementation of the recommendations made by various Committees in the past. The Committee, therefore, reiterates its earlier considered view that the recommendations of the Alagh Committee should be examined and implemented expeditiously; otherwise, it will be a callous wastage of public money, time, and energy of the Committee, which had worked hard to make recommendations as per its mandate.


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