Capacity Building/Training

  1. Mandatory induction training at all levels and compulsory training before the promotion
  2. Monitoring mechanism for implementation of National Training Policy 1996
  3. Making available mid-career learning opportunities and encouraging higher academic qualifications and publications
  4. A strong network of training institutions at the Union and State levels
  5. A national institute of good governance to identify, document, and disseminate best practices and conduct training programmes


  • Review of National Training Policy 1996 and formulation of NTP 2012 with sweeping changes
  • Introduction of strategic human resource management and competency-based approach to training
  • Efforts are on to link individual competency-based human resource management in civil service to the Performance Monitoring and Evaluation System (RFD) steered by the Cabinet
  • Secretariat.
  • DAR& PG is implementing the project-Pathways for an inclusive Indian Administration (IIPA) in collaboration with UNDP with an aim to
  • Support implementation of the National Training Policy
  • Provide Technical Assistance to strengthen competency and personality /performance assessment mechanisms
  • Support a Civil Service Leadership Policy and Action Plan
  • Initiate capacity and leadership development activities for civil servants in select ministries/departments and agencies Institutional strengthening and knowledge management at LBSNAA


  1. Lateral entry for senior management post
  2. Direct recruitment for certain percentage of vacancies for specialized Group B posts to infuse fresh thinking
  3. 20-25 years age limit for all positions in Groups B and C requiring graduate degree


  • Initial stages of experiments with a lateral entry for select posts in senior management for recruiting executives with management and leadership capacities- a mix of career-based and position-based management of civil service. E.g.: the Secretary of the Performance Management Division is an expert from outside the government
  • Attempts at proper sizing of civil services through experiments with contracting out at lower levels

Performance Appraisal

  1. Making appraisal more transparent and consultative
  2. Performance appraisal formats to be made job specific
  3. Performance appraisal should be year-round.
  4. Guidelines need to be formulated for assigning a numerical rating.
  5. Government should expand the scope of the present performance appraisal system of employees to a comprehensive performance management system’ (Implemented)
  6. PMS should be designed within an overall strategic framework appropriate to the particular ministry/department /organization
  7. Annual performance agreements should be signed between the departmental minister and the Secretary of the ministry/heads of departments. Providing physical and verifiable details of the work done during a financial year (Implemented)


1. Creation of performance management system


  • Introduction of a Results Based Approach in government through Results Framework Documents (RFD)initiative Performance agreements between ministers and secretaries of departments
  • The setting of annual performance targets for departments and agencies under them
  • Review by Ad-hoc Taskforce and Higher Power Committee at three regular intervals in a year
  • Scoring and ranking of Ministers/departments based on performance


1. System of two incentive reviews:

  • After 14 years of service: to access strengths and weakness
  • After 20 years of service: to access the fitness of the officer for continuation

1. Discontinuation of officers found unfit for continuation.

2. For recruits, employment shall be 20 years. Further continuance would be subject to the outcome of the intensive performance reviews.


  1. Lateral entry for senior management post
  2. Direct recruitment for certain percentage of vacancies for specialised Group B posts to infuse fresh thinking
  3. 20-25 years age limit for all positions in Groups B and C requiring graduate degree
  4. Mandatory induction training at all levels and mandatory trainings before promotion
  5. Monitoring mechanism for implementation of National Training Policy 1996
  6. Making available mid career learning opportunities and encouraging higher academic qualifications and publications
  7. Strong network of training institutions at the Union and State levels
  8. A national institute of good governance to identify, document, and disseminate best practices and conduct training programmes
  9. Making appraisal more transparent and consultative
  10. Performance appraisal formats to be made job specific
  11. Performance appraisal should be year round
  12. Guidelines need to be formulated for assigning numerical rating
  13. Government should expand the scope of the present performance appraisal system of employees to a comprehensive performance management system’ (Implemented)
  14. PMS should be designed within overall strategic framework appropriate to the particular ministry/department /organisation
  15. Annual performance agreements should be signed between the departmental minister and the Secretary of the ministry/heads of departments. Providing physical and verifiable details of the work done during a financial year (Implemented)
  16. Creation of performance management system
  17. System of two incentive reviews: After 14 years of service : to access strength and weakness After 20 years of service: to access the fitness of the officer for continuation
  18. Discontinuation of officers found unfit for continuation
  19. For new recruits employment shall be 20 years. Further continuance would be subject to outcome of the intensive performance reviews

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