1. The Official Secret Act, 1923 should be repealed
  2. Any person having official secret but fails to take care must be guilty of an offence
  3. Governmental privilege in Evidence (Sec 123 of Indian Evidence Act, 1872 should be amended
  4. Oath of Secrecy, Ministers on assumption of office may take an oath of transparency along with the oath of office and the requirement of administering the oath of secrecy should be dispensed with
  5. Exempted Organisation (Armed Forces)
  6. Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules,
  7. Manual of Office Procedures
  8. Constitution of SIC,
  9. Training programmes should not be confined to merely PIOs and APIOs.
  10. All government functionaries should be imparted at least one day of training on Right to Information within a year.
  11. These training programmes have to be organised in a decentralised manner in every block.
  12. A cascading model could be adopted with a batch of master trainers in each district.

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