Major Baswan Committee Recommendations

  • The number of IAS officers recruited every year should be to the tune of 180. With 180 IAS officers recruited every year, the backlog of 569 vacancies can be reduced by 443 in the year 2020. This was NOT IMPLEMENTED
  • Reduction of the age-limit (32 years for General category candidates, at present). This was NOT IMPLEMENTED
  • Removal of the optional paper. This was NOT IMPLEMENTED
  • A meaningful assessment should be done about the requirement of IAS officers every year to send a realistic requirement of Direct Recruits to the Government of India each year, and to monitor the vacancies under the promotion ceiling. This was PARTIALLY IMPLEMENTED
  • To fulfil the requirement of IAS officers for the next 10 years, the intake through the civil service examination will need to be limited to a certain number to maintain quality and to balance the demand of different cadres. This number should be fixed on a realistic basis according to the cadre gap. This was NOT IMPLEMENTED
  • The Process of settlement of disputes by the various state governments in relation to the promoted officers should be done in a speedy manner, in order to minimise the gap. This was NOT IMPLEMENTED
  • The process of preparation of select lists should be initiated well in advance, while taking into consideration the number of vacancies that would arise in the next few years. This was IMPLEMENTED
  • A limited competitive exam on lines of the special recruitment for IAS Officers in the 1950s is under consideration for the IPS from the Home Ministry This was NOT IMPLEMENTED

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