Report of the Public Service (Qualification for Recruitment) Committee-
A.Ramaswami Mudaliar
Why constituted?
University Degree has always been considered for all as a minimum
qualification except for technical and professional courses.
It was natural and universal for the employers to go for graduates who had
a fair knowledge of English.
People who struggled economically could not get into government services as
they could not afford a university education.
While a university degree should continue to be the minimum qualification
for the higher levels of government service, it need not be insisted upon
for groups that are not so high.
Apart from academic standards, university education goes with it and carries
specific cultural values and maturity of outlook.
Personality is a complex phenomenon built up through various experiences, of
which experience in a university is an important one.
University education should be disassociated from employment prospects.
The Committee mainly focussed on the following:
Discussed Recruitment, Method of Promotion, Training, Limitation of Numbers
A University degree is the minimum qualification for recruitment into higher
21-23 years age limit for the highest executive and administrative services
Different Qualification and eligibility criteria are stated for Senior
Level(Graduates), Junior Level(Graduates+Non graduates), and Clerical Posts
( No graduation required).